When you need to replace all your teeth, it can be hard to pick the right option. While dental implants are your ideal solution, not everyone can afford them. That is one reason many patients pick dentures. At Sommers Family Dental, we provide dentures and work hard to make them both beautiful and efficient. However, before making a decision, we want to make sure you’re armed with all the information. This is why we also offer dental implant dentures in Aurora, IL.
Though a popular option, removable dentures have problems. They can be uncomfortable and slip out of place. Occasionally, they even fall out. Plus, even the best fitting dentures reduce your chewing efficiency by 50%. What most people don’t know is what happens to your jawbone. Once your teeth are removed, your body senses that the bone in your jaw is no longer needed and begins reabsorbing those minerals to use elsewhere in your body. This is called facial collapse. Eventually, after 10 or 20 years, you won’t have enough jawbone left to comfortably retain your dentures. This is something to consider before making your final decision.
So what do you do if you can’t afford full dental implants, but don’t want dentures? One option to help prevent these problems is to use implant dentures—a combination of dentures and dental implants. Instead of four or six dental implants, you can get two implants and have them snap onto the denture. Because they’re anchored with implants they are fully functional and secure. Plus, they provide protection from facial collapse. All the problems that come with removable dentures will not be an issue.
If you would like to know if you are a candidate for implant dentures, you may call our dental office to schedule an appointment, or if you prefer, you may click here to request an appointment online. We also offer a complimentary consultation, where you can meet with one of our dentists to ask questions about the procedure without any cost to you.
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