Some denture wearers are perfectly happy with their dentures. They understood the drawbacks and have learned to live with them. For others, however, dentures are torture: their chewing capacity has dramatically dropped, and it is hard to keep their dentures secure. As time goes by, their jawbone will slowly deteriorate as its minerals are reabsorbed. After 15 or 20 years, there will not be enough jawbone left to keep their dentures in their mouth at all.
A solution to prevent these problems is dental implants, but many patients feel they cannot afford them. At Sommers Family Dental, we have some ways of making this a more attainable option. Schedule a consultation to discuss the cost of dental implants in Aurora, IL.
We combine some features that end up saving our patients a significant amount of money. The first is cone-beam technology. This imaging technology allows us to make 3-D images of your teeth and jaw that can be manipulated. Combined with sophisticated software, the applications for dental implants and other procedures are changing the face of dentistry.
In addition to our technology, we can perform both procedures necessary with dental implants using the same dentist. At many dental clinics, you would go to an oral surgeon for the implant procedure and the dentist would only handle the prosthetic. Because we do both procedures, it saves on any chances of miscommunication leading to more complicated treatment. Combining our technology and surgical training, we can save our patients around $1,000 per implant.
But what if even that is out of your reach? In that case, we have the option of securing your dentures with a smaller number of implants. This saves you the embarrassment of slipping dentures, as well as increasing your chewing capacity and protecting you from additional bone loss. Obviously, the more implants you get, the more secure your dentures will be. However, we are able to provide as few as two implants to secure your dentures. This enables you to get additional implants as you can afford them, all while having the security of more stable dentures.
If you would like to see if you are a candidate for dental implants, you may call our dental office to request a complimentary consultation. Or, if you prefer, you may click here to request an appointment online.
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